What We Do

Supporting Education

As an organization committed to supporting education, we understand the importance of providing funding for Armenian students to help them achieve their academic goals. By offering financial assistance, we are able to alleviate some of the burden that may prevent these students from accessing higher education. We believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to pursue their dreams and aspirations through learning, and by supporting Armenian students in this way, we are investing in a brighter future for both them and their community. Our dedication to fostering a culture of support goes beyond just providing funds – it extends to creating a network of resources and mentors who can guide these students on their educational journey. Through our efforts, we hope to empower Armenian youth with the tools they need to succeed academically and make a positive impact in the world.

Supporting low income families, disabled, children and orphans

In Armenia, supporting low income families, disabled individuals, children, and orphans is a crucial mission that requires compassion and dedication. The Armenian community values the importance of coming together to provide assistance and resources for those in need. Whether it be through financial support, access to healthcare services, educational opportunities, or emotional guidance, every effort made towards helping these vulnerable populations is significant. By extending a helping hand to those who are less fortunate within the Armenian society, we demonstrate our commitment to creating a more inclusive and compassionate environment for all members of our community. Through acts of kindness and generosity towards low income families, disabled individuals, children, and orphans in Armenia, we can truly make a positive impact on their lives and contribute to building a better future for everyone involved.

Humanitarian Aid

As a global community, it is our duty to provide humanitarian aid whenever necessary to support the Armenia people in times of crisis. Whether facing natural disasters, political unrest, or economic hardships, the resilience and strength of the Armenian people deserve our unwavering assistance. By offering food, shelter, medical supplies, and emotional support during challenging times, we can help alleviate suffering and promote healing within their communities. It is crucial that we stand in solidarity with the Armenia people by providing resources and aid when they need it most. Together, through compassionate action and collaboration, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who are struggling.